It is not uncommon for you to need the MySQL root password of a server, especially when you’re dealing with hundreds of different servers. Here’s the quickest way to reset it. (Don’t forget that you need to login to your server as root in order to achieve this) 1) Start MySQL in safe mode. 2) […]

This is kind of a common problem and may have several reasons. Sometimes when we simply want to restart the MySQL Server, we can get such an error: ERROR! MySQL server PID file could not be found! First of all, always check if the /tmp partition is full. This can happen when MySQL can’t write […]

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. If you’re getting this error when starting phpMyAdmin, there are a few possibilities of what the problem may be. For starters, be sure that it is a server side problem. If this only […]

This article is only applicable to H-Sphere control panel where old mysql passwords are stored as clear text. With the latest update, php 53 comes with mysqlnd module which doesn’t allow old_passwords to be used. In /etc/my.cnf comment old_passwords if any, Backup your MySQL database and restart mysql server and execute the following code: Create […]

You’ve designed a database with MyISAM and suddenly realized that you need ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) compliant features and transactions. Right, you should use InnoDB. But how to change storage engine for your previous tables ? As far as i know, changing the storage engine for tables is easy by alter command. But there’s one flaw. You should […]

Before changing MySQL root password you may try to recover default installation password. DirectAdmin MySQL root password is set within the installation process and written down to setup.txt. If you didn’t change this password you can find the default one in the setup.txt, use the command below to see the contents of /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/setup.txt: your password […]